Incarnation in collaboration with Early Figs present The Seven Demons Soirée, an evening exploring the demon energies of the Chakra System through food, play and a guided meditation journey. 

In most work in the spiritual wellness space, a lot of it is about moving towards desired qualities. In this evening, we do the opposite. We get to trace, intimately, the feeling, quality and experience of our undesired parts. By doing so they lose their power over our lives. 

Learn to dance with your shadow. 

Date: Thursday, August 1st, 6-8:30pm

NEW FEARS Gallery, Reichenberger Str. 114, 10999

Price: €30*

Pre-registration is required as there are limited spaces.

*Please book your ticket through the link below by transferring the full amount (select “Family & Friends in PayPal). Please note once the full amount has been transferred your place will be reserved. We will send out further information 24 hours before the event.

**If you prefer N26 please send us a DM on instagram and we will share the transfer details.

You can find more info and updates on our IG

In collaboration with Early Figs

Early Figs is an Italo twosome with an artsy supper club in Berlin.